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The CHAT2App mobile application is a digital decision support and monitoring tool developed for parents/carers and Health Care Professional. The application is built upon the Congenital Heart Assessment Tool (CHAT).

Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) occurs in 60.9 in every 10,000 births with approximately one-third of these infants requiring urgent surgery. Infants with these complex conditions remain fragile after their first surgery and in the early weeks after discharge home

The Congenital Heart Assessment Tool (CHAT) has been developed as a decision support tool for use by parents,
carers and health care professionals teams to identify and escalate early warning signs of deterioration in infants following discharge.

CHAT2App aims to transform CHAT from a passive paper-based monitoring tool into a dynamic and responsive healthcare by building upon the successes of the paper-based CHAT tool to create a decision support, monitoring and communication platform.

Kerry L Gaskin, David J Barron, and Amanda Daniels. 2016. Parents’ preparedness for their infants’ discharge following first-stage cardiac surgery: development of a parental early warning tool. Cardiology in the Young 26, 7 (2016), 1414–1424

Kerry Louise Gaskin, Jo Wray, and David J Barron. 2018. Acceptability of a parental early warning tool for parents of infants with complex congenital heart disease: a qualitative feasibility study. Archives of Disease in Childhood 103, 9 (2018), 880–886.

Liz Smith, Jo Wray, and Kerry L. Gaskin. 2023. Evaluating the congenital heart assessment tool: a quality improvement project. Cardiology in theYoung 33, 6 (2023), 878–885.